Monday, 3 June 2013

'Kid free' weekend away...FAIL!

If you have read my last blog you would of seen that me and the bloke had booked a hotel for ourselves for the first time children allowed.
It was a huge deal for us, as we don't find it easy to leave them.
Well we did it we drove to the hotel, then we did a ton of shopping it was lovely just being us, for a change not being in mummy and daddy mode.
We went for a lovely meal, and had Japanese food.
Another first for us!
We slumped back to the hotel tired out from face paced walking and having to carry our own shopping...who knew I would miss the buggy?!
And then we got the text...everything went downhill...
'O's blood sugars were high and her grandparents could not get them down and they were rising fast.
They don't feel comfortable injecting and from that text on we packed up knowing we would have to go home.
We had been up since 6am and that was after a rough night before aswel, and we finally got to bed at 4.30am- we were then again up at 6am.

At 6 am we got a phone call to be told the blokes Grandmother wouldn't wake up, she was found frothing from her mouth and had been rushed to hospital.
I have also blogged about his grandmother before so if you have not already go and have a read its heartbreaking, and tearing us all apart :(
Well we now think this may be her time, she is in a coma, and the doctors don't think she is going to wake up from it.
She said a few days ago she wants to die now, that she has had enough.
I don't want her to leave, but in another sense it would be the kindest thing for her to just sleep her way to heaven now.
The doctors assure us she is in no pain.
She deserves to be painfree at the very least as this magical lady has taken on brain cancer 4 times now.

So this weekend was a complete wash out, but there is no time to dwell, we have to get up and carry on.

Friday, 31 May 2013

Kid free guilt?!

Me and the Hubs have been together 7 years.
Have 3 girls, the oldest being 6 in two weeks time....and tomorrow we will be kid free for the first time in those 6 years.. Overnight.

I have booked a hotel for the bloke's birthday and we plan to do a bit of shopping etc.

So why before I have even left do I feel so guilty?!

The older two girls have stayed out overnight twice, But my little dot C has never been away from me for more then a couple of hours and only twice!
She is very much a mummy's girl, she is my shadow.
She has eyes for nobody else but me bless her, maybe it's due to our breastfeeding bond, which was longer then the other two girls.
Who knows?
But we are very close, we spend our day's reading, rolling balls, playing babies and doing the housework together, the rest of the time we just snuggle.
I must confess recently on school days we have have even shared a little siesta on the sofa together cuddled up.

I know she is more then happy to play at nanny and granddad's house, I just worry.
Will she think I have left her?
Jeez when did I become so lame!

I will probably end up spending most of my 'child free' time on the phone to them or spending the money I have put aside for me on them....

Oh well!

The mother in law has already asked me not to come home pregnant....what is she thinking?!
Clearly by 8pm he will be snoring and I will be on the phone to mother in law, asking a bazillion questions and making her pinkie promise my child(ren) have not had mental breakdowns without me.

ha! Being a mum eh?!

Monday, 27 May 2013

Weigh in week 1 results!

Well I was pretty confident I had lost a bit of weight this week as I have tried really hard :)
Had a bit of a naughty day yesterday as we had a family day at the beach, which we all know is packed with yummy naughty's.
But was hoping if I didn't eat big portions and I walked a lot it would burn itself off somehow.
I didn't really eat lettuce (rabbit food) all week, I just cut out eating in the evenings and sugary drinks.
I didn't do any exercise as have been in all week with poorly children.

I lost a lush 5lbs!

So chuffed with that, am very focused.
Taking the dog for a massive walk today, and going to take our lunch with us.

How is everybody else doing if on diets?

First 5lbs off, lots more to go (drop in a ocean comes to mind)
But I will plod on!

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Day 4 Of Diet!

Well I am on day four of my diet, and I have made a few changes already so thought I would quickly post them up.

1: I Can not live on smoothies.
I just have not had a spare minute at the moment, and ran out of fruit very quickly, I could not get to the shops due to two poorly children.

2: I have not been eating off a child's plate like I planned.

But I have stuck to three meals a day, and no sugary drinks/caffeine.
I have cut added salt out of my diet ( I usually put salt on everything I eat!)
No take outs or meal outs.
Honestly I don't feel like I am really on a diet yet.

I am looking forward to Monday (weigh day) because I already feel like I am less bloated making me feel like a size 10 already! ( a girl can dream) so I am hoping to off lost my first 2 lbs or so :)

Is anybody else dieting, or lost a decent amount?
What do you do that works for you?

I just want to feel comfortable going out, I want to chase my girlies around and not feel like im being stared at for it, I want to be able to go on fairground rides and I want to start horse riding.

My weight is stopping me doing any of the above.
So bring it on!

To be perfect I think I have about 8-9 stone to loose!
But I don't want 'perfect', as apparently 8stone 3 is my ideal weight for my height! (Screw that and all!)

Before children I was a happy size 10 and I was exactly 10 stone, this girl isn't made to be 8 STONE.

I would be happy to loose 4stone I think :)

But small steps at a time eh!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Wednesday Words..For Emma...

This is the first time I am taking part in Wednesday words.

It is a very important day, For it is the day my friend starts her radiotherapy.
At first, I thought maybe it isn't my place, to say anything, leave that for her close family and closer friends.
But Emma is my friend.
I don't have many. (Emma does!)
And even though we don't see each other very often, I know Emma is always there for me.
She has always made that clear, and has gone out of her way many times for me.
 She even drove my cat to the vet..which saved her life.
That is why Emma has many, friends in 'real life' and through her blogging, because she is there for everybody.
She is an amazing friend!
Emma blogs over at
Her twitter account is @crazywithtwins 

So brave lady here are some words I have found for you.

You may see me struggle
but you won't see me fall.
Regardless if I'm weak or not I'm going to stand tall.

I just felt these words fit right now, Emma will never let anything stop her.

words/" title="Wednesday Words" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Wednesday Words" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

words/" title="Wednesday Words" target="_blank">Wednesday Words

What i feed my children..

I always like to read about other people's daily life's, especially if there are children involved.
I think we all like knowing what other people get up to, hence shows like big brother being huge hits.

So I thought I would just show you my meal planner for next week for my children.
Obviously one of my children has Type 1 Diabetes, so she is on a calculated diet, and I have to buy in several options.
Also 'C' has a very fast metabolism, and suffers with low blood sugars, so she is on a 2 hourly diet. Extra calories.

So I have one daughter on a low sugar diet (most of the time).
Another daughter on a higher sugar diet.
And another who goes between both bless her!

In our house we have, Breakfast, Snack, Lunch/pudding, Snack, Dinner/pudding, Supper..(also 'O' sometimes has snacks in the middle of the night depending on her blood sugars.

So for Breakfast I like to have a few options in, I love to give my children choice, I think its very important.

So next week on our Breakfast menu's we have:

Pure juices.

I generally give them the choice of these every day, on weekends ill cook them a mini fry up.
Sometimes they just choose 1 item, sometimes they have 1 of everything.
I lay it on the table and tell them to help themselves.
Secretly keeping and eye on what 'O' eats so I can calculate her insulin needs.

For their lunches, (which I personally find harder) i make 3 lunch boxes every day.
I have a blog about our healthy lunch boxes further down my page :)

On my list for next week we have:

Ham salad sandwiches
Pasta salad box
Cheese and salad wraps
Make their own pitta's.

I then add 4 more items( or let them choose)

A drink
a piece of fruit
something to dip(breadsticks, salad sticks, veg sticks etc.
and a cereal bar.

For their dinner's:

Chicken korma, with pasta, sweetcorn and pea's.
Lasagne with broccoli, and crusty rolls.
Beef stew with crusty bread.
Breadcrumbed pork chops, with mash potato, Cabbage gravy.
Minted lamb chop roast dinner.


Banana and custard,
mixed fruit
Tinned fruit and cream.

I hope this has gave someone some new idea's.
I am always looking for new fresh idea's so if you have any leave a comment!
Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Some recent pictures...Look how big my girls have got!

                                                    'S' is 6 next month. 'O' is 4 and a half.

'C' is now 21 months old!